Pentagon Tales: Pufuleti (Germany)

1. Where are u right now?
I am in the deep southwest of Germany at home.

2. What’s happening in your country/city at the moment? Are there any restrictions?
Hospitals seem very organized these days. People are allowed to go outside for work, to the supermarket or for a walk, but not in groups bigger than 2 to prevent a spreading virus. The police is very strict and if you are caught outside in groups you have to provide a financial penalty.

Are venues/shops/bars opened?
No. Just supermarkets.

3. Did u have any tour/gig planned before this Thing started?
We had the second italy tour planned for the end of march.

4. How this situation is reflecting on your everyday life?
Since I work in a hospital it is a very challenging situation and I’m worried about my family. I also do a lot of stuff at home like renovating and being creative.

5. How the Music Community in your country/city is reacting?
I don’t really know. I’ve seen a lot of musicians doing more stuff on social media.

6. Do u usually have any help from the Government if u’re a musician in your country?Do musicians get money if they tour?
There are help programs by the government for musicians but I do not know the conditions. If we are touring we get paid for perfomances by the organizers or by the tour agency.

7. How the Government reacted?Did they think about the economica loss and disaster the musicans are facing?
Germany supports small business owners, and pays up to 2000,00EUR to freelance artists with financial problems by reason of cancellations.

8. What’s the social situation where u live?How people in general are living these days?
We try to keep up our social live with phone and video calls. People stay at home and spend a lot of time with their family and cope with the situation differently. Some take this situation too serious and some do not care enough.

What’s the percentage of your friends that right now is not working for this reason?
I cannot tell the percentage. There are some staying home since the exit lot because they are working in a company which has to shut down right now. Some are able to work at home and most of them weren’t working anyway.

9. How’s reacting the Society and do u think after this will be over something will change in the everyday life?Do u think people will change anything in their life?
As soon as everything gets normal again people will forget very fast. I guess there won’t be any big change afterwards.

10. Is there anything u would recommend to the people of the music world during these hard times?
Use this time to be creative in your own four walls. Try new things like destroying your white walls with crayons and give your mind new scope. Collect sun at your window and look foreward to the things you’ll be able to do again soon.

11. Is there any book/lp/movie u read/listened/watched recently that u would recommend ?
If you want to start a series go for The Sopranos! The Mandalorian! I recently watched and recommend “the Square” “Parasite” “El Topo” “Il postino”. Music I listen to: S/T by Altrimenti La Fin, Music for Airports by Brian Eno, How to live with a phantom by Shintaro Sakamoto, WWCD by Griselda.